May 13, 2024

Giải Thích

Wear someone out: khiến ai đó trở nên kiệt sức hoặc mệt mỏi về thể chất, tinh thần hoặc cảm xúc do hoạt động vất vả, căng thẳng vì những nhiệm vụ, trách nhiệm hoặc tình huống quá sức và đầy thử thách.

Ví dụ:

The kids spent so much time playing on the playground that they wore themselves out and fell asleep early.

Taking care of her sick mother all week long started to wear her out, but she was determined to be there for her.

The children’s energetic playing wore their babysitter out, leaving her feeling exhausted by the end of the day.

Working overtime every day for weeks wore him out and he was now in desperate need of a break.

The long hiking trip wore me out, and I slept like a rock when we got back home.

The TV show’s boring storylines and lack of creativity wore its viewers out, causing a decline in ratings.

Wear out something: sử dụng một cái gì đó nhiều đến mức nó bị hư hỏng và không thể sử dụng được nữa, hoặc làm cạn kiệt, hao mòn và mất hiệu quả, bao gồm năng lượng vật chất, đồ vật, tài nguyên,…

Ví dụ:

The jokes he kept telling eventually wore their originality out, and people stopped laughing.

Fish populations in the area have worn out due to overfishing, which poses a serious threat to the local ecosystem.

The continuous irrigation of the farmland caused the soil to wear out and lose its fertility.

It was necessary to get a replacement when the old bicycle’s wheels finally wore out after years of use.

The once-popular smartphone app has worn out its appeal as a result of frequent glitches and slow updates.

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