People-watching – Ý nghĩa

1. Ý Nghĩa

People watch/People watching: là hoạt động mà ai đó quan sát những người xung quanh, thường là ở nơi công cộng như công viên, quán cà phê, trung tâm mua sắm hay bất kỳ nơi nào có nhiều người tụ tập.

2. Ví dụ/Examples

We decided to people-watch at the park instead of going to a movie.

Let’s grab a seat on the bench and just people-watch for a while.

Whenever I travel, I love to people-watch in local markets to get a sense of the culture.

She enjoys sitting by the window so she can people-watch while sipping her tea.

We spent a lot of time during our time abroad people-watching in the bustling city square.

I’m crazy about people-watching when I’m waiting for my friend at the coffee shop.

He’s an expert at people-watching; he can tell a lot about someone just from their body language.

I brought my sketchbook to the park for some people-watching and drawing inspiration.

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