Out of sync – Ý nghĩa

1. Ý Nghĩa

Khi hai hoặc nhiều thứ “Out of sync”, điều đó có nghĩa là chúng không diễn ra một cách hài hòa hoặc không cùng một tốc độ, thiếu sự đồng bộ và phối hợp.

2. Ví dụ/Examples

Their laughter was a bit out of sync with the punchline of the joke, which dampened its impact.

Despite their best attempts, the choir’s singing during the recording was quite out of sync with the backing track.

In the movie, the lips of the characters were completely out of sync with the dubbed dialogue.

The song was catchy, but the chorus felt out of sync with the rest of the melody.

They kept interrupting each other during the discussion, which seemed as though their brains were out of sync.

The traffic lights were out of sync, causing a ridiculous stop-and-go traffic jam.

The video call was a mess, with audio and video out of sync, making it feel like a badly dubbed movie.

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