May 12, 2024

1. Ý Nghĩa

Freak out: phản ứng với sự sợ hãi, hoảng loạn, tức giận hoặc lo lắng cực độ, thể hiện sự đau khổ về cảm xúc dữ dội, thường đi kèm với sự mất kiểm soát hoặc có hành vi không phù hợp.

‘Freak out’ có thể diễn tả một loạt các phản ứng khác nhau như bất ngờ, phấn khích, khó chịu, bối rối, la hét, khóc, run rẩy, thở gấp hoặc tức giận.

2. Ví dụ/Examples

When I saw two cockroaches buzzing around in my room, I totally freaked out. I screamed and jumped on the bed, frantically calling for help until my brother came to rescue me. (freak out = sợ hãi)

Michael started freaking out as the due dates became closer and he found it difficult to concentrate. He took a break and tried some relaxing techniques, but the excessive workload didn’t seem to go away. (freak out = căng thẳng)

When Ryan opened the gift, he freaked out because it was exactly what he had been wishing for. He called his best friend right afterward to tell him the wonderful news since he was speechless at what he was seeing. (freak out = bất ngờ)

Before my presentation, I started freaking out and couldn’t stop shivering, so I had to exhale deeply a few times to calm myself down. (freak out = lo lắng)

When John’s teammate mishandled a crucial report, their manager freaked out like crazy. He shouted at them and chastised them for their irresponsible errors, threatening to push the situation to higher management. (freak out = giận dữ)

Emily immediately freaked out when her favorite band at the concert began performing her go-to song. She was so ecstatic and happy that she was jumping, cursing, and singing along at the top of her lungs. (freak out = phấn khích)

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