Bed of nails – Ý nghĩa

1. Ý Nghĩa

A bed of nails: một tình huống đầy rẫy vấn đề, khó khăn và thử thách, tương tự như việc nằm trên giường làm bằng đinh, sẽ vô cùng khó chịu và đau đớn.

Xem thêm: A bed of roses

2. Ví dụ/Examples

Dealing with neck pain is like trying to catch some Z’s on a bed of nails, you know what I mean?

Their marriage had become so strained that being at home felt like a bed of nails.

My job’s a real piece of work with all those deadlines and pressure; it’s like a never-ending bed-of-nails gig.

I’m juggling a full course load and a part-time job, and it’s basically like crashing on a bed of nails every night.

His daily commute to work is a bed of nails with all the traffic and construction delays.

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