On the rocks – Ý nghĩa

Giải Thích

On the rocks (1): Nếu bạn gọi đồ uống có cồn “on the rocks” (rượu whisky, rượu vodka hoặc cocktail), bạn sẽ uống nó với nước đá.

Ví dụ:

  • The bartender served him a glass of whiskey on the rocks.
  • I prefer my scotch on the rocks which helps mellow out the flavors.
  • I’ll have a gin and tonic on the rocks, please.
  • The bartender asked if I wanted my margarita frozen or on the rocks.

On the rocks (2): mô tả một mối quan hệ/tình huống đang phải đối mặt với các vấn đề khó khăn hoặc trên bờ vực tan vỡ.

Ví dụ:

  • Their business partnership is on the rocks due to conflicting perspectives and financial issues.
  • For months, their marriage has been on the rocks. They are thinking of splitting up.
  • Since she lost her job and had trouble seeking new opportunities, her livelihood has been on the rocks.
  • The project is now on the rocks, following many obstacles and mistakes.
  • After the intense argument, their friendship is on the rocks. Weeks have passed since their last contact.

Josh: Hey, can I get a drink? I really need one right now.

Bartender: Sure thing, what can I pour you?

Josh: I’ll get a whiskey on the rocks, please. It’s been a hell of a day.

Bartender: Tough day?

Josh: Yeah, my parents dropped the bombshell on me today. They’re getting a divorce. It’s tearing me apart.

Bartender: Damn, I’m sorry to hear that. Divorces can be a real mess.

Josh: I always thought they were solid as rocks, but now everything feels like it’s on the rocks. It’s a real punch in the gut.

Bartender: I can imagine. It’s never easy when a family goes through that. You got anyone to talk to about it?

Josh: Not really.

Bartender: Hey, why don’t you pour your heart out to me, I think I could help. I’ve seen folks find comfort in opening up.

Josh: Thanks, man. I’ll try to recover.

Bartender: Absolutely, my friend. Sometimes the best way to get through rough times is by reaching out and finding support. Here’s your drink, on the rocks, just like life sometimes. Take it easy and take care of yourself.

Josh: Thanks, man. I appreciate your words of advice. Cheers to finding some stability amidst the chaos.

Bartender: Cheers. Drinks are on me. You got this. If you ever need someone to talk to, I’m here to listen.

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