May 14, 2024

1. Ý Nghĩa

Wear thin: (điều gì đó) trở nên kém hiệu quả, ít thuyết phục hoặc ít được chấp nhận hơn theo thời gian, cũng như các tác động hoặc ảnh hưởng của nó bắt đầu giảm đi. Thành ngữ này bắt nguồn từ hình ảnh một thứ gì đó đang dần hao mòn, giống như một mảnh vải trở nên mỏng và sờn hơn sau nhiều lần sử dụng.

2. Ví dụ/Examples

The initial excitement of the children’s new toy gradually wore off, and after a few days, they lost interest in it.

Her tendency to always arrive late and make excuses is wearing thin on her colleagues, who find it impolite and unprofessional.

As time went on, Jane’s enthusiasm for painting began to wear off, and she became more interested in photography.

After attending multiple social gatherings, Mark’s shyness began to wear off, which made him feel more comfortable and confident around others.

She is promising to change, but given how she has behaved in the past, some are skeptical that these promises will wear off like before.

Coffee’s caffeine can give you a lift, but doesn’t that energy eventually wear off after a while?

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