Right on the money – Ý nghĩa

1. Ý Nghĩa

Right on the money = ‘precisely correct’ hay ‘accurate’ (chính xác, đúng đắn). Nguồn gốc của cụm từ này có liên quan với thế giới cờ bạc, trong đó “right on the money” có nghĩa là đặt cược vào đúng con ngựa chiến thắng hoặc dự đoán chính xác kết quả. Theo thời gian, cụm từ này dần được sử dụng trong nhiều ngữ cảnh khác nhau của cuộc sống hằng ngày, không chỉ riêng đối với các hình thức cờ bạc.

2. Ví dụ/Examples

The weather forecast predicted rain, and it was exactly on the money—it started pouring just as they said.

After conducting extensive research, the scientists’ hypothesis proved to be right on the money.

The comedian delivers her punchline perfectly right on the money, causing everyone to laugh hysterically.

Her estimate of the budget was profoundly right on the money, which allowed the project to move forward without encountering any unanticipated expenditures.

The building was not exactly on the money as the architect had envisioned it to be since it didn’t live up to the client’s expectations.

In consideration of her excellent singing performance, the judges made the right-on-the-money decision in awarding her the top prize.

The couple’s decision to adopt a child was right on the money because they gave the infant, who was in desperate need of a family, a loving home.

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