Peer pressure – Ý nghĩa

1. Ý Nghĩa

Peer pressure – áp lực đồng cấp: là áp lực khi các cá nhân trong một nhóm xã hội phải thay đổi/áp dụng những niềm tin, thói quen, hành vi nhất định do mong muốn được hòa nhập hoặc được chấp nhận.

2. Ví dụ/Examples

Resisting peer pressure to party every weekend, I chose to focus on my studies and personal growth.

Man, with all that peer pressure, I ended up buying those pricey sneakers just to keep up with the gang.

In high school, I succumbed to peer pressure and tried smoking, just to fit in with my friends.

Hitting the gym with Mike, you definitely feel the peer pressure to lift heavier and hit those fitness goals.

You know, with buddies like Ben, there’s always that peer pressure to choose a job that sounds super impressive and all.

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