Pay on the nail – Ý nghĩa

1. Ý Nghĩa

On the nail: ngay lập tức, lẹ làng, nhanh chóng, không chậm trễ; ngay tại chỗ.

Pay on the nail: trả tiền, thanh toán cho một cái gì đó ngay lập tức, thường là bằng tiền mặt, tại thời điểm mua mà không có bất kỳ sự chậm trễ hay do dự nào.

2. Ví dụ/Examples

The customer left a generous tip for the waiter after expressing satisfaction with the service and paying the bill on the nail.

To ensure a steady cash flow, the company insistently focused on receiving payment on the nail for the goods delivered.

When purchasing the vintage furniture, she negotiated a deal and paid the seller on the nail with a wad of cash.

The freelancer finished the task and was paid on the nail, which enabled them to pay their bills on time.

The live concert tickets immediately sold out, and those who were lucky enough to get them had to swiftly pay on the nail to reserve their seats for the performance.

The company policy was to collect all outstanding debts on the nail to maintain a financially sound standing.

Vendors at the flea market expected that buyers would make purchases on the nail without bargaining over pricing.

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