Lose heart – Ý nghĩa

1. Ý Nghĩa

Lose heart: có nghĩa là thất vọng, nản chí, mất động lực hoặc niềm tin do những thử thách, thất bại hoặc khó khăn mà một người đang trải qua.

2. Ví dụ/Examples

Don’t lose heart if things don’t work out as planned; setbacks are a part of every journey.

After the rejection, he began to lose heart and doubted his ability to succeed.

Despite the initial failures, she didn’t lose heart and kept striving to achieve her goal.

Even though it’s a tough course, don’t lose heart—we’re all in the same boat, struggling through.

His jokes fell flat at first, but he didn’t lose heart and kept cracking us up all night.

The weather ruined our outdoor event, which led to people losing heart and leaving.

Their innovative idea didn’t gain traction in the market, and they started to lose heart about its potential success.

The movie’s negative reviews made the cast and crew lose heart, despite their initial enthusiasm.

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