Grind my gears – Ý nghĩa

1. Ý Nghĩa

Grind my gears: là thành ngữ thể hiện sự khó chịu, bực mình khi bị một người/vật làm phiền. Thành ngữ này bắt nguồn từ hình ảnh những chiếc bánh răng trong máy mài vào nhau gây ra ma sát, tạo ra tiếng ồn gây phiền toái.

2. Ví dụ/Examples

You know what really grinds my gears? That is when you watch someone chewing loudly with their mouth open. It’s so rude and annoying!

It absolutely grinds my gears when customer service representatives not only give generic, unhelpful responses but also show no empathy or willingness to resolve the issue.

People who spoil the storyline usually grind my gears because they distract us and ruin the whole movie-going experience.

The way she constantly interrupts and talks over others, as if her opinion is the only one that matters, genuinely grinds your gears and even makes it hard to have an insightful discussion or exchange of ideas.

Wife: Hey, you won’t believe what grinds my gears at work these days.

Husband: What’s bothering you, honey? Tell me all about it.

Wife: It’s the blame game, John. Instead of taking responsibility for their mistakes, everyone just points fingers at others. It’s so frustrating!

Husband: I can picture that. It must create a toxic work environment for you. But why do they do that? Don’t they realize the harm it causes?

Wife: That’s the thing, John. It’s become a never-ending cycle of passing the buck. For fear of punishment or damage to their reputation, nobody wants to accept their mistakes. So they look elsewhere for someone to blame.

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