Flip-flop – Ý nghĩa

Giải Thích

Flip-flop (1): dép lào, dép xỏ ngón

Ví dụ:

  • She wore a pair of colorful flip-flops to the beach.
  • Summer is here, so it’s time to break out the flip-flops and enjoy the warm weather.

Flip-flop (2): liên tục/đột ngột thay đổi quan điểm, lập trường hoặc quyết định đối với một vấn đề hay một chính sách.

Ví dụ:

  • The candidate came under fire for flip-flopping on healthcare policy.
  • Voters were left bewildered by his flip-flopping between supporting and opposing the policy.
  • The politician seemed to flip-flop on the issue, taking different sides at different times.
  • I flip-flopped between ordering pizza or pasta for a while before making up my mind.
  • She tends to flip-flop on what movie she wants to watch, making it hard to pick one.
  • Every time we plan a vacation, he always flip-flops between a beach trip and a mountain hike.

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