Fast-paced – Ý nghĩa

1. Ý Nghĩa

Fast-paced (adj): (điều gì đó) diễn ra với tốc độ nhanh chóng, năng động cùng với sự thay đổi liên tục, nhấn mạnh tính cấp bách và nhu cầu phản ứng, đưa ra quyết định kịp thời.

2. Ví dụ/Examples

The software industry is known for its fast-paced nature, with constant updates and evolving technologies.

College can be a crazy journey with its mix of classes, events, and projects. It’s a highly fast-paced world.

Her career in journalism has taken her to cover various fast-paced events, from political rallies to sporting events.

The IT sector demands adaptability due to its fast-paced advancements and trends.

With a fast-paced lifestyle, he’s always on the move, juggling work, social engagements, and hobbies.

Working in a fast-paced restaurant means you need to be able to handle high-pressure situations.

She’s a social butterfly, with a fast-paced social life that’s always full of events and parties.

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