Elbow grease – Ý nghĩa

1. Ý Nghĩa

Elbow grease (n): dùng để chỉ nỗ lực về thể chất và sự chăm chỉ thực hiện một nhiệm vụ, đặc biệt khi công việc đó đòi hỏi lao động chân tay, dọn dẹp hoặc cọ rửa.

2. Ví dụ/Examples

Cleaning up after the party last night was no picnic; it took a lot of elbow grease to make the place look presentable again.

If you want your old bike to look cool again, give it a good scrub with some elbow grease, and it’ll be like new.

He put in hours of elbow grease to make his car shine like it just rolled off the showroom floor.

The chef told the new cooks that preparing the dish required plenty of elbow grease in the kitchen.

With the right tools and some elbow grease, you can turn that abandoned backyard into a lovely paradise.

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