May 13, 2024

1. Ý Nghĩa

Easier said than done (Nói dễ hơn làm): là cụm từ ngụ ý rằng một điều gì đó nghe có vẻ đơn giản, dễ hiểu khi được bàn luận, nhưng để hoàn thành và đưa vào thực tế thì khó hơn nhiều.

Cụm từ này thường được sử dụng khi ai đó đưa ra một lời gợi ý, lời khuyên hoặc đề xuất giải pháp cho một vấn đề, nhưng người nghe nhận ra rằng việc thực hiện không hề dễ dàng như thoạt nhìn, nhấn mạnh sự phức tạp, trở ngại có thể phát sinh khi cố gắng thực hiện.

2. Ví dụ/Examples

Ken: You are intelligent, so you should just quit your job and start your own business. It’s simple!

Johnny: That being said, it’s certainly easier said than done. Running a business requires careful planning, financial resources, competitor analysis, and a great deal of effort.

Parent: You can get straight A’s if you only work harder in your studies.

Child: I wish it were so simple as you suggested. Studying for good grades is easier said than done. It demands a great deal of determination, focus, and discipline.

Kevin: Hey, Beck! I’ve been thinking about telling my crush, Sarah, how I feel about her. What do you think?

Beck: Whoa, That’s a big step, bud. Expressing love is easier said than done, you know. Are you ready for what’s about to happen?

Kevin: Certainly. I know it’s a risk, but I don’t want to regret not trying. I want to be honest with Sarah and see where it takes us. I want to take this chance to see if she feels the same way.

Beck: I get it, my friend. Make sure your message is straightforward and sincere. Sometimes, it’s not just about the words, but the feelings behind them that truly matter.

Kevin: Thanks for the suggestion, Beck. I appreciate it. I’ll gather my courage and give it a shot. Wish me luck!

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