Dead-end job – Ý nghĩa

1. Ý Nghĩa

Dead-end job: đề cập đến một vị trí công việc mang lại rất ít tiềm năng hoặc không có cơ hội thăng tiến, giúp phát triển sự nghiệp cá nhân.

2. Ví dụ/Examples

Since I’ve been stuck in this dead-end job for so long, I’m finding it harder and harder to stay motivated.

Despite working overtime, he still found himself in the red every month due to his dead-end job’s low pay.

They were stuck in a cycle of working multiple dead-end jobs just to make ends meet.

He used to be a worker in a dead-end job, but he upgraded his skills and took night classes to get ahead in his career.

After years of working a dead-end job, he finally took the leap and started his own business.

He realized that his dead-end job was not allowing him to use his full potential or develop new skills.

I’ve been trying to find a way out of this dead-end job so I can dedicate myself to my true calling.

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