Cold fish – Ý nghĩa

1. Ý Nghĩa

Cold fish: dùng chỉ một người lạnh lùng, thờ ơ, không thân thiện trong các tương tác xã hội với mọi người. ‘Cold fish’ thường thể hiện rất ít hoặc không có sự thân mật, nhiệt tình trong lời nói, hành động, luôn có thái độ xa cách, dè dặt hoặc tách biệt, khiến người khác cảm thấy khó tiếp cận và làm quen.

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2. Ví dụ/Examples

Despite the party vibe, Mark was a total cold fish, just standing in the corner with his arms crossed and barely saying a word.

The main actor was called out as a cold fish on stage because of his wooden and robotic performance.

As a therapist, Mary’s got some good advice, but some clients find her a cold fish with no feelings of empathy.

After the breakup, she became like a cold fish, closing herself off from her friends and family.

It was difficult for students to reach out to the teacher with questions or issues due to his “cold fish” approach.

John seems like a cold fish, unwilling to share what’s really going on inside, even if he is surrounded by his buddies.

The party was lit, but Emily was the only one who was hanging out by herself in the corner like a cold fish.

He may be a successful actor, but he’s a bit of a cold fish when it comes to personal relationships; he keeps his emotions to himself.

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