Bed of roses – Ý nghĩa

1. Ý Nghĩa

A bed of roses: là thành ngữ mô tả một tình huống hoặc trải nghiệm rất thoải mái, dễ dàng, dễ chịu, giống như nằm trên giường trải đầy hoa hồng, mềm mại và êm dịu.

2. Ví dụ/Examples

Being a movie critic can be a bed of roses; you watch films for a living and share your opinions with others.

He found a job he loved, and it’s been a real bed of roses for him ever since.

Her life may seem like a bed of roses, but she has faced the lion’s share of her family’s struggles.

They thought the project would be a bed of roses, but it turned out to be much more complex than they imagined.

Getting through college is no picnic; it’s definitely not a bed of roses with all those exams and assignments.

Being a pet owner is awesome, but cleaning up after your furry friends is not always a bed of roses.

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