A punch to the gut – Ý nghĩa

1. Ý Nghĩa

A punch to the gut (Một cú đấm vào ruột): được dùng theo nghĩa bóng để diễn tả tác động mạnh mẽ về cảm xúc hoặc tâm lý, tương tự như cảm giác khi bị đánh vào bụng.

Cụm từ này được dùng để mô tả một sự kiện, tin tức gây sốc hoặc đau buồn khiến cho một người bị ảnh hưởng sâu sắc, tổn thương về mặt cảm xúc hoặc choáng ngợp về tinh thần, gợi lên cảm giác bất ngờ, hoài nghi, khiến họ cảm thấy choáng váng, giống như cảm giác đau đớn khi bị đấm vào bụng.

2. Ví dụ/Examples

After several years of hard work, being laid off from his job without warning was like a punch to the gut. He felt adrift and unsure about his future.

When she heard the unexpected news of her dearest friend’s passing, it felt like a punch to the gut, leaving her heartbroken and in disbelief.

It can feel like a punch in the gut and take time to digest when a torrent of bad news suddenly hits you.

Only a few pupils were picked for the school’s special field trip, which gave others who weren’t chosen a gut punch and made them feel excluded.

The projector malfunctioned, giving her a gut punch and forcing her to scramble to find a solution even though she had a perfect presentation prepared.

Minzy: Love, I just found out that Joe has been cheating on me for ages. It’s like a punch in the gut, mate.

Love: Bloody hell, Minzy! I can’t believe it. How did you find out?

Minzy: Came across some messages on his phone that revealed the whole shebang. Feels like my world’s been turned upside down.

Love: No, that’s rough, Minzy. It’s such a betrayal. You deserve way better than that.

Minzy: Trusted him blindly, mate, and now I feel like a right idiot.

Love: Don’t blame yourself, Minzy. Some blokes can be real dodgy. It’s his loss, not yours. You’ll come out stronger from this.

Minzy: I hope so, Love. Hard to understand how he could do me dirty like that.

Love: I get you, Minzy. Take your time to grieve and heal. Surround yourself with good mates who’ll have your back.

Minzy: Thanks, Love.

Love: I’m here for you, Minzy. Lean on me whenever you need to. We’ll get through this together.

Minzy: I truly appreciate all of your support. We’ll bounce back from this gut-punch and discover happiness once more.

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