Last resort – Ý nghĩa

1. Ý Nghĩa

Last resort: phương sách cuối cùng, là lựa chọn chỉ được xem xét khi tất cả các nỗ lực trước đó đều thất bại hoặc khi không có giải pháp thay thế nào khác có vẻ khả thi, hiệu quả.

2. Ví dụ/Examples

After trying all sorts of absurd diets, I’m resorting to that last resort: eating salads and working out.

He finally made the decision to return home as a last resort to save money after months of hopeless job hunting.

I hate needles, but for this stubborn flu, I guess getting a shot is the last resort.

Couples counseling was their last resort to salvage their failing marriage before considering divorce.

As a last resort, I’m asking my tech-savvy nephew to fix my computer since the pros couldn’t figure it out.

I called my mother as a last resort when nobody else wanted to watch the kids, and she really saved the day.

Despite their diligent practice, the team is still neck and neck with their rivals. It’s halftime, and the coach brings out their last resort—a never-before-used secret play.

Being the social butterfly of the group, Alex used a group chat as a last resort to include everyone in their plans.

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