Over the top – Ý nghĩa

1. Ý Nghĩa

Over the top: (một cái gì đó) quá mức, phóng đại, khoa trương hoặc ngông cuồng đến mức không cần thiết hay thậm chí là lố bịch. Thường được sử dụng để mô tả các hành động, hành vi hoặc những thứ vượt quá những gì được coi là bình thường và phù hợp.

2. Ví dụ/Examples

Her outfit for the party, which had sequins, feathers, and tacky colors, was totally over the top.

The movie’s fight scenes were so wildly over the top that they almost seemed unbelievable.

The company’s marketing team was under fire for being over the top, as they made grand promises that they weren’t able to live up to.

He leaped up and down, screamed, and gave everyone he saw a bear hug in celebration of receiving the prize, which was an utterly over-the-top reaction.

My boyfriend surprised me with a thousand roses on a random weekday. It was nice, but honestly, it felt a bit over the top.

He went completely over the top after she dropped a plate and started grumbling and using foul language in front of everyone.

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