Wind you up – Ý nghĩa

1. Ý Nghĩa

Wind someone up: cố tình khiêu khích hoặc làm phiền ai đó, thường là dùng lời nói trêu ghẹo, châm biếm, hoặc làm những hành động khác để cố ý kích động, đả kích.

2. Ví dụ/Examples

He’s indulging in winding me up by making exaggerated claims and watching how I respond.

She knows how to wind him up by bringing up mortifying moments from his past.

I’m sure he will wind you up with his pranks at the party tomorrow.

She wound up her friends by sharing embarrassing childhood photos.

Stop winding him up; it’s not fair.

Why are you always winding me up with your sarcastic comments?

Seth: You know what really winds me up? People who don’t say “thank you” when you hold the door open for them. It’s just common courtesy!

Amy: Agreed. They act as though the door will just miraculously open for them. A simple “thank you” goes a long way, doesn’t it?

Seth: And what about those drivers who don’t indicate when changing lanes? It’s so unsafe and aggravating!

Amy: Absolutely! It’s a nightmare. It’s like they expect us to be mind readers. How hard is it to use a blinker and let others know your intentions?

Seth: And let’s not forget about the constant queue-jumpers! And those line cutters!

Amy: Oh, it drives me insane! We’re all in the same boat, waiting our turn, and then they think they’re special. So disgraceful!

Seth: But hey, at least we can vent about these things together. Having an old friend who can relate to the little issues of daily life is real important.

Amy: Absolutely! It’s therapeutic to have a good moan now and then. It’s just part of what makes us satisfied, isn’t it?

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