Well-thumbed – Ý nghĩa

1. Ý Nghĩa

Well-thumbed: (một cuốn sách, tài liệu) đã được đọc hoặc được tham khảo quá nhiều lần đến mức khiến cho nhiều trang giấy bị nhàu, góc cong, để lại nhiều vết bẩn.

2. Ví dụ/Examples

Mom’s got this well-thumbed cookbook that’s practically falling apart from all the family recipes in it.

The detective noticed that the diary was well-thumbed, indicating that it held important clues to the case.

I found this guidebook, all worn and well-thumbed, probably from backpackers who’ve seen it all.

This well-thumbed Shakespeare book must have been read by bookworms for ages.

That’s my well-thumbed comic book collection over there—I’ve read every issue a hundred times.

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