Well-matched – Ý nghĩa

1. Ý Nghĩa

Well-matched (adj): (hai sự vật hoặc hai người) có những phẩm chất, đặc điểm rất phù hợp với nhau, tạo ra sự hài hòa và sự kết hợp ăn ý hoặc bổ sung cho nhau một cách hoàn hảo.

2. Ví dụ/Examples

Mark’s leadership style is incredibly well-matched to the fast-paced startup environment.

Her choice of accessories is well-matched with her outfit, showcasing a keen sense of style.

The twins, Mia and Ethan, are well-matched not just in appearance but also in their interests.

Their determination and work ethic are well-matched, which leads to impressive achievements.

Michelle and Simon had a well-matched rhythm and coordination in their dancing performance.

We found that our values and goals are well matched, making this collaboration exciting.

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