Well-mannered – Ý nghĩa

1. Ý Nghĩa

Well-mannered (adj): dùng để mô tả một người cư xử lịch sự, sử dụng ngôn ngữ tôn trọng, quan tâm đến người khác và có hành vi tốt trong các tình huống xã hội khác nhau.

2. Ví dụ/Examples

Honestly, my dog is super well-mannered. She’ll sit when I tell her and doesn’t jump on guests when they walk in.

That gentleman in the suit was always well-mannered, holding doors open and letting others go first.

Tom’s party was great; he managed to keep the crowd well-mannered, even when the music got loud.

At the BBQ, the kids were perfectly well-mannered, saying “please” for extra hotdogs and “thanks” for the ice cream.

Despite their reputation, I found some of the students in that class to be quite unwell-mannered.

His behavior at the restaurant was embarrassing; he was loud, disruptive, and definitely not well-mannered.

The way she speaks to older people is anything but well-mannered; she’s so disrespectful.

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