That’s pants – Ý nghĩa

1. Ý Nghĩa

That’s pants: là cụm từ dùng để mô tả một cái gì đó có chất lượng kém, đáng thất vọng hoặc không đạt yêu cầu (chủ yếu được dùng trong tiếng Anh Anh và ngôn ngữ nói).

Chú ý:

“That’s pants” là một cách diễn đạt không trong trạng (informal), do đó không phù hợp với môi trường chuyên nghiệp cần sự nghiêm túc.

2. Ví dụ/Examples

I was excited to check out that new restaurant, but the food tasted pants. It was bland and a bit pricey.

I was looking forward to the event, but it was pants given that the planning was sloppy and the events themselves looked repetitive.

I bought the top on the Internet, but it turned out to be pants. Neither the quality nor the fit are good.

The latest episode of my favorite TV show was a huge letdown. The storyline was dull, and the acting was below average. That’s pants!

Noah: Have you read that new novel everyone’s been talking about lately?

Ethan: Yeah, I did. But let me tell you, that’s pants!

Noah: Really? I thought it was getting a lot of positive reviews. What part didn’t you like?

Ethan: Well, first of all, the writing was so egotistical. It was trying too hard to be deep and meaningful, yet it came out as convoluted and confusing.

Noah: That’s a shame. What about the characters?

Ethan: The characters were extremely one-dimensional. They were shallow and undeveloped. I couldn’t relate to any of them, and what they were doing seemed slightly forced and unnatural.

Noah: Aw, bummer! It sounds like the book was a disappointment. I had been searching for a thought-provoking read.

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