Standing ovation – Ý nghĩa

1. Ý Nghĩa

Standing ovation: là màn vỗ tay và công nhận của khán giả để thể hiện sự yêu mến, ngưỡng mộ hoặc công nhân của họ đối với một màn biểu diễn, bài phát biểu hay trong một sự kiện. Khi đó, toàn bộ khán giả sẽ đứng dậy khỏi chỗ ngồi và vỗ tay nhiệt tình, thường đi kèm với tiếng cổ vũ, huýt sáo hoặc thậm chí là giậm chân.

2. Ví dụ/Examples

The audience was moved to tears at the play’s last scene by the actors’ profoundly moving performances, which prompted a loud standing ovation.

The crowd, mesmerized by the actor’s passionate portrayal and depth of emotion, gave the actor’s heartbreaking presentation a standing ovation.

Audience members were in awe as Emily’s stunning vocals filled the concert venue. When she finished her performance, she received a well-deserved standing ovation from the impressed listeners.

Alexandra, a committed educator, led his students in an inspiring and motivating lesson. The students gave him a standing ovation at the end of the class for his excellent teaching skills.

Impressed by her creative thinking and thorough research, her coworkers and bosses surprised her with a standing ovation in appreciation for her contribution.

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