Second thought – Ý nghĩa

1. Ý Nghĩa

Second thought: là sự cân nhắc lại hoặc thay đổi quan điểm, quyết định, kế hoạch ban đầu, thường là do nghi ngờ, dè dặt hay cần xem xét lại tình hình.

2. Ví dụ/Examples

After some second thought, he opted to repair the computer rather than buy a new one.

I considered skipping the meeting, but on second thought, I realized it could be important.

At first, I thought selling my old car was a good idea, but on second thought, I might just keep it for now.

She agreed to the blind date, but now she’s having second thoughts about meeting a total stranger.

They planned to buy the house, but after seeing the state of the roof, they had second thoughts.

She jumped into the icy water to rescue the drowning puppy without a second thought about her own safety.

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