Pro-choice – Ý nghĩa

1. Ý Nghĩa

Pro-choice (adj): (là phong trào) ủng hộ các cá nhân nên có quyền tự đưa ra quyết định về sức khỏe sinh sản của mình, đặc biệt liên quan đến việc có nên phá thai hay không.

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2. Ví dụ/Examples

When it comes to reproductive rights, those who are pro-choice and those who are pro-life just can’t seem to be on the same page.

The big argument between the pro-choice crew and the pro-life squad keeps sparking legal battles and policy flip-flopping on abortion.

The pro-choice rally was a mixed bag, but everyone there agreed that nobody else should call the shots on your body.

My friend isn’t a fan of abortion, but she takes a pro-choice stance because she understands that her personal beliefs shouldn’t dictate others’ lives.

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