Pan out – Ý nghĩa

1. Ý Nghĩa

Pan out: (một sự việc) thành công như mong đợi, thu được kết quả mỹ mãn. Từ này bắt nguồn từ ngành công nghiệp điện ảnh, trong đó hành động ‘pan’ hay ‘lia máy’ liên quan đến việc di chuyển máy ảnh/máy quay theo chiều ngang để thu được góc quay rộng hơn. Ngược lại, nếu điều gì đó “doesn’t pan out”, điều đó có nghĩa là nó không xảy ra như dự tính.

2. Ví dụ/Examples

His effort to fix the leaky faucet didn’t pan out, and it’s still dripping.

He trained really hard for the competition, and it paid off—his efforts panned out and he won first place.

We tried that fancy recipe, but it didn’t really pan out—we ended up ordering pizza.

Their decision to adopt a pet panned out wonderfully since their furry friend always brings joy to the house.

We were a little apprehensive about the trip, but things panned perfectly, and we had a blast!

She had a crush on him for a very long time, and when they finally went on a date, everything panned out, and they clicked right away.

They thought the shortcut would save time, well, it totally panned out, and they ended up getting lost in the middle of the freakin’ night.

I had hoped that the new workout routine would give me superhero muscles, but it didn’t pan out that way.

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