Over-fussy – Ý nghĩa

1. Ý Nghĩa

Over-fussy (adj): (một người) quá cầu kỳ, kén chọn hoặc tỉ mỉ với những chi tiết không cần thiết, có xu hướng phức tạp hóa vấn đề, hay đòi hỏi quá mức khi nói tới sự chính xác.

2. Ví dụ/Examples

Dealing with an over-fussy boss and lazy coworkers sometimes really gets under my skin.

Don’t be so over-fussy about the party décor; no one will notice if the streamers are slightly off.

No need to get over-fussy with your gaming setup; just grab a comfy chair and enjoy.

We were having a blast at the concert until it got soured by the over-fussy security staff and their ridiculous rules.

The whole party atmosphere was ruined because of the whining of over-fussy guests about snacks.

Everyone was trying to chill, but she got over-fussy about the seating arrangements at the bonfire.

Seriously, it’s just a text message. You’re being way over-fussy about your choice of words.

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