On the mark – Ý nghĩa

1. Ý Nghĩa

On the mark: (một cái gì đó) chính xác, đúng đắn như mong đợi hoặc theo dự định (mục tiêu, dự đoán, ước tính, kết quả,…).

Xem thêm: Be off the mark

2. Ví dụ/Examples

When it comes to cracking jokes, Kate’s always on the mark, and I can’t stop LMAO!

The weather report was on the mark again—it actually started to rain cats and dogs as forecasted!

Our sales predictions were pretty on the mark; we hit the target like a boss!

He is a basketball prodigy whose shots are consistently on the mark, making him a star on the court!

Your mouth will explode with flavor from that chef’s consistently wonderful, on-the-mark cooking.

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