Lost cause – Ý nghĩa

1. Ý Nghĩa

Lost cause: một người/vật được cho là vô vọng, thiếu thực tế, bất khả thi và có rất ít/không có cơ hội thành công mặc cho những nỗ lực hoặc can thiệp để thay đổi tình hình.

2. Ví dụ/Examples

Jane had been trying to persuade her buddy to give up smoking for years, but it had become a lost cause. Her friend was unwilling to quit, no matter how many arguments or interventions she got.

Alex grudgingly acknowledged that it was a lost cause after attempting to fix the broken smartphone many times without success.

Cindy and Richard did their best to save the stray dog they found, but their efforts became a lost cause when they discovered the poor animal had serious health difficulties.

The special supper Mom and Dad had intended to prepare together quickly became a lost cause when they realized the ingredients the recipe called for were not in their hands.

Evan: Oh boy, I’ve been working so hard to revive this old computer, but it’s a lost cause.

Gin: Haha, seriously? It looks like something from the Stone Age. The time has come to give up.

Evan: I suppose you’re right. This computer is toast, and I’m done wasting my time.

Gin: Totally! Let’s set this relic aside and start looking for a brand-new computer that genuinely functions.

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