Like dishwater – Ý nghĩa

1. Ý Nghĩa

Like dishwater: chứa quá nhiều nước, nhạt nhẽo, không ngon (đồ uống, súp, chất lỏng); vô vị, không hấp dẫn, không để lại ấn tượng tích cực hoặc gợi lên bất kỳ cảm xúc mạnh mẽ nào (phim, thức ăn hoặc một sự kiện cụ thể).

2. Ví dụ/Examples

That soup they served at the restaurant was like dishwater—no taste and no seasoning.

I felt like I was drinking dishwater with a straw simply because that smoothie was so tasteless and thin.

Oh no, that lemonade was so ridiculously diluted that it tasted like dishwater.

I tried the new coffee blend, but it was so weak, it was like dishwater.

Man, this hot chocolate was disappointingly weak and watery, like dishwater with cocoa powder dumped in.

The music and spirits at the party were like dishwater, and it was an absolute disaster.

The party games were like dishwater—so uninspired and uninteresting.

Her presentation was extremely like dishwater; it lacked enthusiasm and interesting information.

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