Leave me hanging – Ý nghĩa

1. Ý Nghĩa

Leave me hanging: khiến ai đó chờ đợi, rơi vào trạng thái hồi hộp, không chắc chắn và lo lắng do không thực hiện lời hứa theo kế hoạch, không phản hồi nhanh chóng và đầy đủ (thường là một quyết định, câu trả lời cho tình huống cụ thể).

Cụm từ bắt nguồn từ việc ai đó đưa tay ra để bắt tay hoặc đập tay, nhưng người kia không đáp lại hoặc chỉ làm xơ xài, khiến người đầu tiên giơ tay “lơ lửng” trong không trung, cảm thấy lúng túng và không được thừa nhận.

2. Ví dụ/Examples

I texted my friend, but she never replied, leaving me hanging and wondering if she got my message.

After waiting for hours at the train station, she was left hanging when her friend, who promised to pick her up, didn’t show up or answer her calls.

She said she would give me more details over the phone, and she never did, leaving me hanging and feeling ignored.

The movie abruptly ended with the screen going black, leaving the audience hanging without any credits or a proper resolution to the plot.

Sam was completely left hanging when his husband stormed off without addressing the matter they were confronting.

As an introvert, Emily often felt uncomfortably left hanging when people assumed she wasn’t interested in communicating.

During their first date, John was hopelessly left hanging when his date seemed disinterested and indifferent to his efforts at conversation.

We made plans to meet, but he canceled at the last minute without explanation, leaving me hanging and frustrated.

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