Jog my memory – Ý nghĩa

1. Ý Nghĩa

Jog someone’s memory: nghĩa là làm hay nói điều gì đó để giúp một người nhớ hoặc kích thích trí nhớ của họ về một chi tiết, sự kiện, tên hoặc thông tin mà họ gặp khó khăn trong việc nhớ lại.

2. Ví dụ/Examples

I showed her our old goofy selfies to jog her memory about our fun times in college.

His old yearbook helped jog my memory about the names of our high school classmates.

I can’t remember where we met; could you share some details to jog my memory?

The familiar smell of the cookies jogged her memory of baking with her grandmother.

He brought up the pizza challenge we did to jog my memory about that hilarious evening.

Seeing the empty chair at the dining table jogged her memory of the laughter and warmth that used to fill the room.

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