Food coma – Ý nghĩa

1. Ý Nghĩa

Food coma: là cảm giác cực kỳ buồn ngủ, lừ đừ, uể oải, rã rời mà một người trải qua sau khi ăn quá nhiều, đặc biệt là bữa ăn giàu carbohydrate hoặc chất béo (chỉ xảy ra tạm thời).

2. Ví dụ/Examples

Every time I have a big lunch, I fall into a food coma and spend the rest of the day napping on the couch.

I couldn’t resist the yummy-yummy pizza, and I ended up eating up the entire box, which led to a serious food coma later.

Everyone at the family reunion slipped into a pleasant food coma after chowing down on that mouthwatering buffet.

I should not have devoured those two huge burgers all at once; now I’m stuck in a food coma and can’t do anything productive.

The combination of turkey, mashed potatoes, and pie put me in a full-blown food coma last night.

After the barbecue, we all lay around in a food coma, unable to get up for quite a while.

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