Dead-on – Ý nghĩa

1. Ý Nghĩa

Dead-on (adj, adv): hoàn toàn chính xác hoặc đúng đắn với mục tiêu hay một kỳ vọng cụ thể.

2. Ví dụ/Examples

Her guess about the number of jellybeans in the jar was dead-on; she got it right on the money.

The weather forecast was pretty dead-on today; it predicted rain, and it poured all afternoon.

We totally laughed out loud at how dead-on your impression of the boss was.

The detective’s hunch about the suspect’s whereabouts was absolutely dead-on, leading to a successful arrest.

The party DJ’s music choices were dead-on; everyone was dancing until the wee hours.

The comedian dead-on nailed the politician’s mannerisms in his latest sketch, making it hilariously accurate.

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