Close off – Ý nghĩa

Giải Thích

Close off (1): chặn, niêm phong lối vào, lối đi của một khu vực, địa điểm, ngăn cản người khác ra vào (vì lý do an toàn, quyền riêng tư hoặc bảo mật).

Ví dụ:

  • Due to the construction work, they had to close off the main road for repairs.
  • He can be a bit of a cold fish, always closing off his room and rarely attending family events.
  • They decided to close off the old abandoned building to prevent trespassing.
  • Please close off the back gate so the dogs don’t wander into the neighbor’s yard.
  • We’re sorry, but we had to close off the swimming pool area early tonight due to maintenance.
  • Hey, let’s close off the living room for a private movie night with just the squad.

Close off (2): cô lập, thu mình, trở nên đề phòng và tự tách bản thân ra khỏi các tương tác xã hội, không chia sẻ suy nghĩ hoặc cảm xúc của mình với người khác.

Ví dụ:

  • Ever since the heartbroken breakup, he’s been closing off, burying his emotions behind old pictures and memories.
  • She used to be a terrific people person, but lately, she’s started closing off and preferring to do things alone.
  • Mary completely closed herself off after her best buddy moved away and found it challenging to open up to new friendships.
  • After their argument, they both closed off for a while, but now it’s all water under the bridge, and they’re back again as good friends.
  • She closed off when we brought up the awkward moments from her childhood.

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