Burn your bridges – Ý nghĩa

1. Ý Nghĩa

Burn one’s bridges: nghĩa là cố tình cắt đứt các kết nối hoặc mối quan hệ, thường theo cách đột ngột hoặc dứt khoát và không có lựa chọn quay trở lại.

2. Ví dụ/Examples

When he stormed out of the office without warning, he pretty much burned his bridges with that company.

She quit her job and openly criticized her coworkers. She definitely burned her bridges there.

If you sue the company, you’ll definitely burn your bridges with them for any future collaboration.

He said some hurtful things during the argument, effectively burning the bridges of their friendship.

They abruptly canceled the contract, burning their bridges with a key supplier.

She decided to move to a different city and burn her bridges with her past life, seeking a fresh start.

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