Black out – Ý nghĩa

Giải Thích

Black out (1): Mất ý thức tạm thời, bất tỉnh trong khoảng thời gian ngắn. Điều này có thể xảy ra do nhiều yếu tố khác nhau như ngất xỉu, huyết áp giảm đột ngột hoặc tác động thần kinh.


  • The athlete fell down on the field and went into a brief blackout before being taken to the hospital.
  • The heated sun and exhaustion caused him to black out during the marathon race.
  • She had been feeling wobbly when she suddenly blacked out and recovered a few minutes later.
  • The patient’s low blood sugar levels caused him to black out and go unconscious.

Black out (2): đề cập đến một khoảng thời gian mà một người không thể nhớ lại các sự kiện hoặc hoạt động đã xảy ra.


  • After consuming too much alcohol, he had a blackout and had no memory of the previous evening.
  • He suffered from momentary blackouts as a result of the concussion, which caused errors in memory.
  • After the accident, she blacked out and couldn’t recall any details of what really happened.

Black out (3): mất điện đột ngột trong một khu vực, dẫn đến mất hoàn toàn ánh sáng hoặc nguồn điện khác.


  • Due to a technical glitch, the broadcast of the live event blacked out for a few minutes, leaving viewers in suspense.
  • The construction crew mistakenly cut through an underground power line, which led to a blackout in the surrounding area.
  • The hurricane was causing such terrible damage that it caused the entire city to black out for several days.

Black out (4): che đậy (phủ kín) hoặc che giấu một cái gì đó, cố ý hoặc vô ý, để nó không thể được nhìn thấy và không được biết đến.


  • The curtains were drawn to black out the harsh direct sunlight.
  • The demonstration participants used banners to black out the controversial billboard.
  • To protect their anonymity during the trial, the authorities decided to black out the witnesses’ names.
  • The newspaper came under fire for blacking out details about the incident, raising questions about transparency.
  • Prior to making the paper accessible to the public, the government blacked out the highly sensitive information.

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