Add fuel to the fire – Ý nghĩa

1. Ý Nghĩa

Add fuel to the fire: làm cho một tình huống vốn đã căng thẳng trở nên tồi tệ hơn bằng cách nói hoặc làm điều gì đó gia tăng xung đột, tranh cãi (đổ thêm dầu vào lửa).

Cụm từ đồng nghĩa:

  • Add insult to injury
  • Fan the flames

2. Ví dụ/Examples

Instead of calming things down, his arrogant reply just added fuel to the fire.

Evelyn’s decision to criticize her friend’s choices only added fuel to the fire and tore their relationship apart.

They kept arguing rather than finding common ground, adding fuel to the fire of their disagreement.

The manager’s strict policies seemed to add fuel to the fire of employee frustration.

She wasn’t expecting that her well-meaning advice would add fuel to the fire and cause even more resentment.

If you criticize his work in front of the team, it will definitely add fuel to the fire and blow things up.

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