Sink or swim – Ý nghĩa

1. Ý Nghĩa

Sink or swim: một tình huống mà một người phải thành công bằng nỗ lực và quyết tâm của chính họ (swim) hoặc phải đối mặt với thất bại mà không có bất kỳ sự trợ giúp hay hỗ trợ nào (sink).

2. Ví dụ/Examples

The coach pushed the rookies onto the field, telling them it was sink or swim time and that they had better show what they had!

The new guy on the team received no guidance, only a “good luck!” and a pat on the back—it was sink or swim.

They threw me into a weird job after college, wanting me to figure it out on my own—like, all sink or swim, right?

When his business hit a rough patch, he had to make some difficult decisions and adapt quickly—it was extremely sink or swim for him as an entrepreneur.

She encountered tough hurdles as a contestant on the reality TV show, and it was a sink-or-swim moment to find out if she could withstand the pressure.

Trying to cook a fancy dinner for the first time was like a sink-or-swim situation—I’m just grateful nothing caught fire!

My parents handed me the car keys and said, “You’re driving now, sink or swim!” Can you believe it?

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