Jump the gun – Ý nghĩa

1. Ý Nghĩa

Jump the gun: bắt đầu hoặc hành động quá sớm, đưa ra quyết định hấp tấp, vội vàng mà không nắm bắt đầy đủ thông tin, hiểu rõ về tình huống hay các hậu quả có thể xảy ra.

Thành ngữ này bắt nguồn từ môn điền kinh (track and field), trong đó “gun” được sử dụng để báo hiệu bắt đầu một cuộc đua. Nếu một người chạy trước khi súng được bắn, người đó sẽ được coi là đã “jumped the gun” và có thể bị phạt hoặc bị truất quyền thi đấu.

2. Ví dụ/Examples

Jack bragged about acing the test but was jumping the gun; he barely passed.

Before we have carefully read the contract’s terms and conditions, we shouldn’t jump the gun and sign it right away.

The media outlet undoubtedly jumped the gun when reporting the news by publishing a story based on hearsay without checking the facts.

Jenny got a job offer from one company and immediately told her current boss she was quitting. She totally jumped the gun and then found out the new offer was rescinded.

My friend thought he won the lottery because he matched one number, but he wasn’t jumping the gun on his mansion plans!

Emily would order a wedding cake before her boyfriend even proposed, but I hope she won’t jump the gun on the whole marriage thing!

I don’t really want to jump the gun on investing all my savings in that new cryptocurrency until I have enough knowledge about it; otherwise, I might find myself broke.

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