Get lost – Ý nghĩa

1. Ý Nghĩa

Get lost (= go away): kêu ai đó biến đi một cách thô lỗ hoặc với thái độ xua đuổi, thường được sử dụng khi ai đó gây khó chịu, tạo phiền phức, hay chọc tức bạn và bạn muốn họ biến khỏi tầm mắt.

2. Ví dụ/Examples

She slammed the door shut and yelled fiercely at him to get lost because of the frequent disruptions.

The agitated shopkeeper pointed towards the exit and gestured for the rowdy customer to get lost.

Spotting the unwelcome guest at the party, she rolled her eyes and made an obvious indication for them to get lost.

The writer yelled at the noisy neighbors to get lost and stop messing with his writing time since he was tired of the constant barking of their neighbors’ dogs.

He finally had enough of her continual nagging and screamed “Just get lost!” at her.

Together, the horrified campers yelled at the approaching bear to get lost in an effort to scare it off.

A: Hey, could you please get lost? You’re just hovering around and it’s driving me nuts!

B: What’s your problem? I’m just trying to help.

A: Well, your “help” is unwanted. So, do us both a favor and get lost!

B: Fine, I’ll leave. No need to be so harsh about it.

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