All at once – Ý nghĩa

1. Ý Nghĩa

All at once (1): thực hiện hoặc xử lý nhiều việc cùng một lúc, thay vì dàn trải hoàn thành theo từng mốc thời gian hay giải quyết từng việc riêng lẻ.

All at once (2): xảy ra đột ngột, bất ngờ, không có cảnh báo hoặc dự đoán trước.

2. Ví dụ/Examples

All at once (1):

  • She juggled preparing dinner, cleaning up the kitchen, and helping the kids with their homework all at once.
  • In order to come to a full agreement, Caroline and Charles discussed concepts, costs, targets, and contractual details all at once during the negotiation.
  • With multiple lessons, extra-curricular events, and responsibilities for homework all at once, Margaret enjoyed a busy day at school.
  • The Smiths confronted different challenges all at once, including financial problems, health troubles, and emotional strain at a time when their family was in crisis.
  • The moment their favorite band reached the stage during the event, the audience burst into applause all at once.

All at once (2): 

  • The storm clouds gathered, and all at once, a torrential downpour began, drenching everyone outside.
  • All at once, the power went out, leaving the area in complete darkness.
  • They were engrossed in their work when, all at once, the fire alarm went off, forcing everyone to leave the building.
  • In the middle of their chat, he got an urgent phone call, and all at once, his facial expressions drastically changed.

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