Force of habit – Ý nghĩa

1. Ý Nghĩa

Force of habit: theo thói quen, bản năng.

“Force of habit” đề cập đến xu hướng lặp lại lặp lại một số hành động hoặc hành vi nhất định, thể hiện sự vô thức của các thói quen, những thứ đã ăn sâu vào tìm thức trong cuộc sống hàng ngày.

2. Ví dụ/Examples

I constantly checked my phone out of force of habit.

Even though she had quit smoking months ago, the force of habit would lead her to reach for a cigarette anytime she felt pressured.

She found it difficult to break the force of habit of biting her nails, but she eventually succeeded.

Even when she had no plans to leave the house, she grabbed her keys out of habit and walked out the door.

He switched on the light through force of habit, despite the fact that it was bright outside and he didn’t really need it.

Mom: Well, well, well! I noticed you didn’t flush the toilet again. What’s going on?

Son: Oh, Mom, I’m so worried about the test tomorrow. I’m really sorry.

Mom: I understand, but it’s important to develop good hygiene habits, especially when it comes to bathroom cleaning. So remember to flush it from now on every time you go to the toilet, okay?

Son: I’ll try harder, Mom. Just that I’ve been doing it without thinking for so long. I’ll work on breaking that force of habit.

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