Go easy on sth/someone – Ý nghĩa

1. Ý Nghĩa

Go easy on sth: sử dụng, tiêu thụ một cái gì đó một cách vừa phải hoặc hạn chế đến một mức nhất định.

Go easy on someone: kiên nhẫn, khoan dung, đối đãi với ai đó một cách nhẹ nhàng, tử tế để kiềm chế sự gay gắt, chỉ trích và không khiến tình huống trở nên tồi tệ, khó xử.

Xem thêm: Take it easy

2. Ví dụ/Examples

[Go easy on sth] = Take it easy on

  •  My wife told me to take it easy on the sweets: “Don’t eat too many, you’re getting fat.”
  • Take it easy on yourself after a long day in the workplace, take a moment to unwind and recharge, or else you’ll burn out.
  • Hey, take it easy on the toppings, son. When there are too many, the pizza becomes soggy and overwhelming.
  • We need to set aside some money for unexpected expenses, so go easy on the budget for this month.
  • Please go easy on the criticism as he’s trying his best, so give him helpful feedback instead.
  • Go easy on the volume because the neighbors might not enjoy late-night music.

[Go easy on someone]

  • The manager has been really hard on the staff lately. I wish he would go easy on us and appreciate what we are doing.
  • He’s gone through a lot recently, so let’s go easy on him and give him some space to rest and recover from it.
  • Because the customer is inexperienced with technology, the support team should go easy on them when explaining its features step by step.
  • We can’t simply go easy on him this time because he’s consistently disobeyed safety rules and put others at risk. He has to deal with the full consequences of his actions.

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